Stacy Lundin-Anastassiou died of Breast Cancer February 3, 2012 xoxo "Stacy Angel" xoxo

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Critters In The Pool

Yesterday, my french bulldog, Grizzy, spotted this little ringneck snake floating around in the pool on a raft  of leaves...

if you click on the snake's, head you can see it much better

Earlier that A.M. this curly tailed lizard had also fallen into the pool. I thought it was ok since it was headed for the swimout & shallow water. It must have gotten tired because all of a sudden it sank to the bottom then quickly struggled back to the surface where it did its version of "the dead man's float"! I still feel bad that it almost drowned while I was trying to get a couple of pictures... this lizard is in & out of the pool a couple of times a month so I didn't rush to rescue it. I scooped it up with a leaf & after resting in the sun for about 10 minutes she/he was fine & ran off into the grass.

you can see her/his eye just below the water- line

almost there!

doing great!

uh oh!, this isn't good!

R&R & a happy ending!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

B&W Tattoos,The Cohasset Bridge, MA

The big tattoo is of "Michael the Archangel", the nemesis of Satan & the tattoo underneath it is "the bridge" on Border Street in Cohasset, Massachusetts. Jumping off the bridge into the rapids below is a rite of passage for the kids who live on the South Shore. Lots of them who have grown up & moved away still jump when they're back in Boston. A man I got to talking to once ( in Florida), after asking him for directions, happened to be from Cohasset & raised his family there... the bridge was mentioned & he told me that all of his boys asked their fiancees to jump the bridge with them before they proposed to them. I had to laugh because my son has always said that he plans to do the same thing! I've never jumped but it's on my list of things to do someday....I think... I'm so afraid of heights I'm not positive I will really do it but I hope to give it a try in April.