Stacy Lundin-Anastassiou died of Breast Cancer February 3, 2012 xoxo "Stacy Angel" xoxo

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gray Fox Kits

I found these baby Gray Fox Kits taking a nap in a small patch of sunshine next to the Boardwalk at Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, in Boca Raton, Florida. They woke up when they heard the sound of voices nearby and they quickly scooted underneath the Boardwalk. The Staff at the Nature Center told me that there are four Kits in the litter and that their mother has a litter every spring. An interesting fact about them that I didn't know is that the Gray Fox is the only fox that can climb trees.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alligator at Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge

I came across this Alligator sunning itself on one of the banks along the Marsh Trail at Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge in Boynton Beach, Florida, a few weeks ago. It was mid-day, the light was harsh and it was very  hot but I couldn't resist taking a  picture of this alligator.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Dogs...My First Blog Post

For my very first post, I thought that I would introduce my dogs, Kya & Grizwald. I love them a lot & they each love me, but they don't like each other... you'll never see any cute pictures of them playing together or taking a nap in the same dog bed !!! But for now, in exchange for a few treats & assurances from me that each of them is my "Top Model", they tolerate each other while I get to  develop my photography skills. I also post pictures of them & of pets that are available for adoption at:


