Stacy Lundin-Anastassiou died of Breast Cancer February 3, 2012 xoxo "Stacy Angel" xoxo

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My New Think Tank Airport TakeOff Rolling Backpack

Griswald guarding my Fed Ex delivery

Hurray! I'm so happy! Yesterday my Think Tank Airport TakeOff Rolling Backpack was delivered and last night I was able to fit just about all of my camera gear into Griswald gave it his sniff of approval! I'll write a review after I've used it this week-end....I only have 3 lenses and 1 Digital SLR camera but my Lowepro backpack is too small for everything to fit...
 My brand new, still in the bag, Think Tank Photo Airport TakeOff Rolling Backpack

Grizzy giving the Think Tank Airport TakeOff Rolling Backpack his sniff test of approval

Monday, October 3, 2011

Griswald Monday

"I know you like me as much as I like you, just say it, I can wait all day..."